ET Collect


ET Collect is a Smart Food Waste Management company based in Egypt. Through our market research, we identified a gap in Egypt’s agriculture sector and a global pressing issue, regarding the increased demand for high quality soil enricher. The current variations of soil enricher do not satisfy the customer’s needs and are either animal-manure based or plant-based. The plant-based enricher is not nutritious enough, whilst the animal-manure based has a high chance of contamination, leading customers to pay more in the long-run. Therefore, we found an alternative way to enrich the soil, through naturally organic soil enricher (compost) made from the food waste. This will be implemented by collecting waste from restaurant malls and food markets, to ensure the inflow of a superb input and mass quantities of food waste. As a result, our solution is processing this food waste into an odorless, animal-friendly and highly nutritious soil enricher. Our production method is 75% more efficient compared to the existing technique. Due to the high quality of our product, we are targeting the niche markets: residential compounds and exporting vegetable farms, giving us the advantage of a price premium. The soil enricher will be distributed through local Agronomists, Real Estate Development Companies and Agro-traders. 


Yomna Elsayed (Egypt), Habiba Abdelrahman (Egypt), Sihui Zhang (China), Xinxi Cao (China), Gerhard Spitsak (Estonia)

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