M&A and Strategic Advisory

‬Ancoria Bank has selected the London-based firms Loizou & Co and Armila Capital to recommend a series of strategic initiatives, lead its capital raising process and consider potential investment opportunities that will drive its growth within the Cypriot banking sector and abroad. Due to its advanced...

Η Ancoria Bank ανέθεσε στις εταιρείες Loizou & Co and Armila Capital, με έδρα το Λονδίνο, την ανάπτυξη ενός στρατηγικού πλάνου δράσεων με στόχο την αύξηση κεφαλαίων και την επιλογή επενδύσεων, που θα ενισχύσουν την ανοδική πορεία της τράπεζας εντός και εκτός της κυπριακής αγοράς. Η...

Annual P/E ratios for disruptive companies are far higher than historical levels, leading analysts to believe their shares were overpriced. Yet the extraordinary performance of disruptive companies in the market suggests that their shares were persistently underpriced. The stacks of M&A literature are littered with warnings...